Points | Hands Played |
Overall | |
Matches Played | 0 |
Matches Won | 0 |
Points | 0 |
Hands Played | 0 |
Average Points Per Match | 0 |
Possible Max Points | 0 |
Percentage of Possible Max Points | 0 |
6-Max | |
Matches Played | 0 |
Matches Won | 0 |
Points | 0 |
Hands Played | 0 |
Possible Max Points | 0 |
Percentage of Possible Max Points | 0 |
Finished 1st | 0 |
Finished 2nd | 0 |
Finished 3rd | 0 |
Finished 4th | 0 |
Finished 5th | 0 |
Finished 6th | 0 |
Heads up | |
Matches Played | 0 |
Matches Won | 0 |
Points | 0 |
Hands Played | 0 |
Possible Max Points | 0 |
Percentage of Possible Max Points | 0 |
Games Won | 0 |
Games Lost | 0 |
1st Games Won | 0 |
2nd Games Won | 0 |
4rd Games Won | 0 |
Phillip Gruissem on Twitter

Philipp Gruissem
(2/2)Comment with ur guess,closest pick gets 109€ ticket to MILLIONS europe feeders for online day1+2, 2nd-5th get… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

Philipp Gruissem
(1/2)I have some partypoker tickets to giveaway, so lets play some lodden (philbort) thinks to get some winners: H… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

Philipp Gruissem
Daniel cates is gonna win!!!

Philipp Gruissem
RT @rob_yong_: In August @partypoker will trial Real Names for selected games such as High Stakes Cash Games, will be softy softy approach.…

Philipp Gruissem
RT @rob_yong_: I am giving away 5% [£50K] of my action in @tritonpoker £1M Super High Roller Aug 1st. Guess hole cards & suits I get dealt…
Berlin Bears on Twitter

Berlin Bears
RT @alex_dreyfus: Our @GPL and @BLNBears player. twitter.com/wsj/status/893…

Berlin Bears
RT @PokerStarsBlog: Hey, @JeffGrossPoker, welcome to Team @PokerStars! Check out a full interview here—> psta.rs/2sXrFsN https://…

Berlin Bears
Philipp Gruissem Wins the PSC Monte Carlo €25,500 Single-Day High Roller @TheRealPhilbort bit.ly/2p4LbN0 @PokerNews #PSCMonteCarlo

Berlin Bears
RT @gpl: It was almost a GPL Home Game at the #WPT @SHRPO $25k Highroller Final Table and @JasonMercier took it down for $74…

Berlin Bears
RT @bp22: cash game madness has started on #streamboat let's get some of that timex money !!!! twitch.tv/thirstlounge/p…