Overall | |
Matches Played | 8 |
Matches Won | 4 |
Points | 24 |
Hands Played | 480 |
Average Points Per Match | 3 |
Possible Max Points | 59 |
Percentage of Possible Max Points | 41 |
6-Max | |
Matches Played | 2 |
Matches Won | 0 |
Points | 1 |
Hands Played | 98 |
Possible Max Points | 14 |
Percentage of Possible Max Points | 7 |
Finished 1st | 0 |
Finished 2nd | 0 |
Finished 3rd | 0 |
Finished 4th | 0 |
Finished 5th | 1 |
Finished 6th | 1 |
Heads up | |
Matches Played | 6 |
Matches Won | 4 |
Points | 23 |
Hands Played | 382 |
Possible Max Points | 45 |
Percentage of Possible Max Points | 51 |
Games Won | 9 |
Games Lost | 0 |
1st Games Won | 2 |
2nd Games Won | 3 |
4rd Games Won | 2 |
Marc-Andre Ladouceur on Twitter

Marc-Andre Ladouceur
Ça fait plaisir des payer vos tickets si ça aide à trouver des joueurs avec une bonne attitude @GMolsonCHC twitter.com/renlavoietva/s…

Marc-Andre Ladouceur
@WestJet been stuck in @TorontoPearson for 16hrs with luggage lost, trying to talk to anyone capable of helping, suggestions?

Marc-Andre Ladouceur
Gros weekend à Ibiza #playadenbossa #ushuaia #dc10 à Ibiza instagram.com/p/BYoYy-7BYgx/

Marc-Andre Ladouceur
Barcelona ain't scared. Thousands paying tribute and strangers hugging each other #LasRamblas #freehugs pic.twitter.com/PmYScumoQa

Marc-Andre Ladouceur
Biggest cash of the summer so far #stillearly twitter.com/kittykuopoker/…
Montreal Nationals on Twitter

Montreal Nationals
GL! We're rooting for Team @Martin_Jacobson & @markradoja ;) twitter.com/LDNRoyals/stat…

Montreal Nationals
RT @Martin_Jacobson: Won my first ever SCOOP tournament tonight :) #SCOOP4Charity pic.twitter.com/2C2uRJqlKK

Montreal Nationals
RT @CanadaPoker: Congrats to @MikeMcDonald89 on winning the @ppLIVE_Canada $10k #HighRoller @PlaygroundPoker for $200,000! GG Mike! https:/…

Montreal Nationals
RT @AnTh0nyWTF: GG @MikeMcDonald89! Making Canada proud.

Montreal Nationals
Huge congrats to our very own @MikeMcDonald89, shipping the @ppLIVE_Canada $10,300 High Roller @PlaygroundPoker for $200,000! GG Timex!