Overall | |
Matches Played | 15 |
Matches Won | 8 |
Points | 65 |
Hands Played | 852 |
Average Points Per Match | 4 |
Possible Max Points | 117 |
Percentage of Possible Max Points | 56 |
6-Max | |
Matches Played | 6 |
Matches Won | 2 |
Points | 26 |
Hands Played | 236 |
Possible Max Points | 42 |
Percentage of Possible Max Points | 62 |
Finished 1st | 2 |
Finished 2nd | 2 |
Finished 3rd | 0 |
Finished 4th | 1 |
Finished 5th | 0 |
Finished 6th | 1 |
Heads up | |
Matches Played | 9 |
Matches Won | 6 |
Points | 39 |
Hands Played | 616 |
Possible Max Points | 75 |
Percentage of Possible Max Points | 52 |
Games Won | 15 |
Games Lost | 0 |
1st Games Won | 7 |
2nd Games Won | 2 |
4rd Games Won | 5 |
Anatoly Filatov on Twitter

Anatoly Filatov
Выиграл 20.000$ в покер. Разбор турнира. youtu.be/82mZHcBBlUg с помощью @YouTube

Anatoly Filatov
Барабаки. Сегодня стрим. В 22.

Anatoly Filatov
В полночь и 9 утра, двойные баллы за кеш игру на @partypoker! Так что катаем до талого! pic.twitter.com/BGx6AAjiGU

Anatoly Filatov
Шон Диб раскатал фишей в покер. s5 ep6 youtu.be/65gmAyNeNuQ с помощью @YouTube

Anatoly Filatov
RT @partypokerlive: UK Players! Final Table the $1M GTD KO Series #3-H this Sunday 7pm @partypoker & @Dusk_Till_Dawn_ will give you a $16k…
Moscow Wolverines on Twitter

Moscow Wolverines
RT @Urbanovich_Dima: Tv table at @partypokerlive #MILLIONS. @aangierr @steveodwyer Vovtroy. 30 min delay with open cards. https://t.co/PeOO…

Moscow Wolverines
RT @partypokerlive: Congratulations to @nl_profit who won the €5,300 #partypokerGPC High Roller for back-to-back wins, banking €64,125! htt…

Moscow Wolverines
RT @J_Hartigan: At 1300 MSK / 1200 CEST, we're CARDS UP on #PokerStarsTV for the #PSCSochi final table, featuring Vlad Troyanovskiy: https:…

Moscow Wolverines
RT @nl_profit: Gl @garr1k ! Ship this fcn million! @MSKWolverines

Moscow Wolverines
RT @nl_profit: 119 left. Still in. @partypoker millions! #barabaka #nl_profit instagram.com/p/BTJ00Ahl2Bt/